
Rock Music History

This project was completed as part of Udacity's Intro to Programming Nanodegree to help me learn the basics of HTML and CSS. I made a website focusing on the history of rock music from its beginnings with Elvis Presley until it started diverging from mainstream "pop" music, with the market for music in America became more diverse and fragmented.

There were not a lot of innovative features used for this website since it was mostly an introduction to website structure and design, but feel free to send me any comments through the website's textbox form, which I will receive at my primary email address!

Best Books

This project was completed as part of Udacity's Full-Stack Web Developer Nanodegree to help me learn about full-stack website solutions and get experience developing my own full-stack web application. The application itself stores book collections for individual users, with all books in the collections available for anyone to view and learn about, but not edit. Only the "owner" of each book has permission to add, edit, or delete books from their collection, but there can be duplicates of any book in other users' collections that are still visible to the public. Later versions of this software will address scalability and monetization issues.

The website at uses the following frameworks and software tools to operate effectively, and consists of a full-stack using the items that follow. The Flask web development framework and the SQLAlchemy ORM flexibly execute and manage the website as it grows, and the web application itself is hosted on a remote Ubuntu Linux server as a WSGI app with the Apache HTTP server software. The SQLAlchemy ORM connects to a PostgreSQL database on the Ubuntu server to store and retrieve the data used to populate the website with books. Finally, some online, third-party "cloud" resources were used to make this website, including Amazon Lightsail and CloudFront, Facebook Oauth 2.0 login, and Google Oauth 2.0 login and custom search API.

My code for "Best Books!" is available here on Github, along with a more detailed explanation of the project in the repo's

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